Photo Gallery: Rare, last look inside space shuttle Atlantis
The gallery continues... Engines out and wheels down | Or back to: Atlantis' flight deck
Photos credit: collectSPACE/Robert Z. Pearlman

Above: Atlantis' middeck where technicians have already removed its crew equipment lockers, seats, galley, and waste collection system (WCS, or toilet). The ladders to either side lead to the flight deck. On the far wall, normally hidden by the middeck lockers, are the orbiter's avionics control boxes. The hatch to the right, when installed, would lead to the airlock (behind the photographer). |

Above: Atlantis' middeck, as viewed from the opposite perspective as the earlier photo. Here, the crew access hatchway is seen to right, and the airlock hatchway is center. The waste collection system (toilet) compartment, now empty, is behind the ladder to the right. |

Above: The closed hatchway inside the airlock that led to the docking adapter used to enter the International Space Station (ISS). |

Above: The view through the open airlock hatchway out into Atlantis' 60-foot-long payload bay. Seen mounted to the left sill of the cargo hold, the orbiter boom extension system, which was used in tandem with the robotic arm to inspect Atlantis' heat shield. The Canadarm robotic arm was removed from the left sill the day before these photos were taken to be shipped to Johnson Space Center in Houston for possible future use in space. |

Gallery continues... Engines out and wheels down | Or back to: Atlantis' flight deck

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