This document, reprinted here for reference, can be found as part of NASA's ASTP Documents archive.
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
Items That Were Carried on the First International Flight
US and USSR Flags (for exchange) Five small US flags (8" x 12") to be exchanged for five small USSR flags (205mm. x 410mm.): the national flags symbolized the contribution made by a great many people from all over the United States and the Soviet Union. Such contributions were essential to the first major joint venture by these two spacefaring countries.
United Nations Flag One 3' x 5' United Nations flag was carried up by Soyuz and returned by Apollo symbolizing our common goal of peacefully exploring space for the benefit of people all over the world and in recognition of the contribution to this and other cooperative space projects made by people from many nations.
Commemorative Plaques Apollo carried two US halves, one of which was exchanged for one of two USSR halves carried on Soyuz. The halves were then joined to form two individual medallions with crossed flags and docked spacecraft; two permanent symbols of the first international human spaceflight.
Tree Seeds US white spruce seeds were exchanged for Soviet tree seeds to provide each nation with a living and growing monument to the first cooperative human spaceflight. These seeds appropriately denoted a new beginning in space and promised a productive future on Earth as a result of such cooperation. The white spruce selected by the US was the product of new scientific developments in forestry and helped to call attention to the new awareness of Earth brought by spaceflight. Perception of the planet from space heightens humankind's appreciation of Earth's natural beauty and our understanding that we all share responsibility for its preservation.
ASTP Silver Medallions Two for presentation to the Soviet cosmonauts Leonov and Kubasov by the US crew in commemoration of their participation in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.
FAI Certificate of docking Four copies of the International Aeronautical Federation (Federation Aeronautique International-FAI) certificate of docking. The FAI has been the certifying agency for world air and space records since 1905. The certificate officially recorded the first docking between spacecraft from two nations.
US and USSR Flags (not for exchange) One large US flag (3' x 5') and five small US flags (8" x 12") one large USSR flag (3' x 6') and five small USSR flags (205mm. x 410mm.): were retained by each nation to symbolize its role in the first international manned flight.
The May 1972 Nixon-Kosygin Agreement Six copies of the agreement "concerning cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes" (three in English and three in Russian), by which both nations made a commitment to conduct not only the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, but also a wide range of continuing cooperative activities in such fields as space meteorology, the study of the natural environment from space, the exploration of near-Earth space, the Moon, the planets, and space biology and medicine.
Lead-Gold Alloy Three samples using gold and lead from both countries will be alloyed in the electric furnace aboard the docking module. The uniform mixing of unlike materials in space created a new substance that symbolized the success people and nations found in putting aside their differences to work together in space. The unusual environment of space acts as a catalyst through which both men and materials may combine to yield useful applications for the benefit of all.

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