collectSPACE Recommendation:
The Robbins Medallions
Flown Treasure from the Apollo Space Program
by Howard C. Weinberger
Part of the challenge of collecting space-flown memorabilia is documenting the history of each item. Had it not been for the government's practice of recording every piece of hardware and equipment, finding this information might have been nearly impossible.
As has been the case with items created as commemoratives. Due to the government's own aversion to promoting the flight of souvenir materials, the history of these patches, postal covers, and other items considered non-essential has gone mostly undocumented.
Collectors have been left to conduct their own research about these equally-rare and historical items. Unfortunately, their success has been limited, governed greatly by an increasing loss of information often associated with the passage of time.
In The Robbins Medallions: Flown Treasure from the Apollo Space Program, author Howard Weinberger shares his research surrounding what may very well be the rarest and most desirable of all flown commemoratives.
The gold and silver Robbins Medallions were minted exclusively for the American astronauts. Flown as mementos, the medallions were purchased by the flight crews for themselves, their families and friends.
As a result of their personal connection with the astronauts, the medallions have been greatly sought-after by collectors. However, until Weinberger's findings were published the full history of the Robbins Medallions had not been told.
Complete with large photographs of each of the Apollo commemoratives (both obverse and reverse), The Robbins Medallions explains how each of the emblem designs were decided, how many of each medallion were flown, and how The Robbins Company came to create the official souvenirs for the Moon-bound astronauts.
Logically organized and easy to read, The Robbins Medallions is highly recommended for anyone interested in reading about the astronauts' space memorabilia.
You can order "The Robbins Medallions: Flown Treasure from the Apollo Space Program" for $19.95 plus $5.00 US shipping* from:
Toy Ring Journal
P.O. Box 544
Birmingham, MI 48012-0544
*$10 international shipping

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