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Results: Aurora Galleries International Space & Aviation Memorabilia Auction, Session Two

The prices listed below are not the official results and should not be used as an indication of current market value. Prices represent those called by the auctioneer (the "hammer price"), as recorded by collectSPACE.

Lots may have been reacquired by the consignors and therefore were not sold.

Prices do not include 15% buyer's fee. WD=Withdrawn

Session Two
Sunday, April 25, 2004, 10:00am PT
Lot 747 to 1460

747Deke Slayton ASTP Spacesuit FLOWN US Flag$2500
748Deke Slayton's FLOWN ASTP Nametag$1750
749Deke Slayton's FLOWN ASTP Mission Patch$4000
750Deke Slayton's FLOWN ASTP NASA Patch$1800
751FLOWN ASTP Checklist$1000
752FLOWN ASTP "Electrical Light Wires"$200
753FLOWN ASTP Gold Foil$125
754FLOWN ASTP Gold Foil$125
755FLOWN ASTP Manned Flight Awareness Medallion$225
756FLOWN ASTP Manned Flight Awareness Medallion$75
757FLOWN ASTP Manned Flight Awareness Medallion$150
758FLOWN ASTP Manned Flight Awareness Medallion$40
759Deke Slayton's Omega Wristwatch$3250
760Deke Slayton's Blue ASTP Flightsuit$950
761"DKS" ASTP Crew Patch$850
762Deke Slayton's ASTP Training Document$225
763Stafford, Brand, Slayton, Leonov, Kubasov Autographs$250
764Stafford, Brand, Slayton, Leonov and Kubasov Autographs$475
765Stafford, Brand, Slayton, Leonov & Kubasov Autographs$80
765AStafford, Brand, Slayton & Leonov ASTP Autographs$70
767Stafford, Brand & Slayton ASTP Autographs$550
768Stafford, Brand & Slayton ASTP Autographs$125
770Stafford, Brand & Slayton ASTP Autographs$375
771Stafford, Brand & Slayton ASTP Autographs$250
772Stafford, Brand & Slayton ASTP Autographs$50
773Slayton and Brand ASTP Autographs$50
774Tom Stafford ASTP Autograph$30
775Vance Brand ASTP Autograph$40
776Vance Brand ASTP Autographs$30
777Vance Brand ASTP Autograph$30
778Deke Slayton's ASTP Autographs$110
779Leonov and Kubasov ASTP Autographs$75
780Lot of Two Different Russian ASTP Covers$40
7811959, "Scientific Problems of Artificial Sputniks"$50
7821972, Two ASTP Design Review Reports$50
7831972//3, Minutes of Joint Meeting of USSR/US Space$40
784"ASTP-For the Press"$25
785Deke Slayton's ASTP Award Certificates$175
785ADeke Slayton's ASTP Balance of Collection$425
786Russian ASTP Commemorative Badges$375
787Soviet & English Language ASTP Press Badges$175
788English-Language ASTP Press Badge$175
789English-Language ASTP Press Badge$125
790Russian ASTP Press Badge$375
791Russian ASTP Press Badge$125
792Beta Cloth ASTP Crew Patch$80
793ASTP Commemorative Cigarettes$30
794Skylab Program FLOWN US Flag$750
794AFLOWN Skylab Insulation Fragment$175
795FLOWN Skylab Manned Flt Awareness Medallion$60
795AFLOWN Skylab Manned Flt Awareness Medallion$25
796Skylab Blueprint$350
799Autographed Skylab Covers$450
799ATexas "Skylab" License Plate$400
800Michael Collins Skylab Autographs$175
801Skylab Astronaut Autopens$10
8021970, Skylab "CSM Logistics Training"$70
8031971, "Skylab Study Guide"$60
8041973, "Skylab Experiments"$100
8051973, "Skylab 1/2 Technical Crew Debriefing"$50
8061973, 11 Skylab Publications$125
8076 Different Skylab Publications$200
8095 Skylab Media Badges$60
810Original Robert McCall Skylab Sketch$475
811Beta Cloth Skylab Crew Patches$150
812Skylab Color Glossy Photos$375
813Skylab Fireproof Playing Cards$70
814Skylab Fireproof Playing Cards$80
814APete Conrad's Skylab 2 PPK Inventory$40
815Skylab 2 Crew Patch$125
815AFLOWN Skylab 3 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$1700
816Bean, Garriott & Lousma Skylab 3 Autograph$150
817Bean, Garriott & Lousma Skylab 3 Autographs$125
818Bean, Lousma & Garriott Skylab 3 Autographs$60
8202 Garriott Skylab Autographs$125
821Carr, Pogue & Gibson Skylab 4 Autographs$60
822Ed Gibson Skylab 4 Autograph$15
824Skylab 4 Wives Crew Patch$700
825Carr, Gibson & Pogue Skylab 4 Autographs$100
8263 Pogue Skylab 4 Autographs$25
827Skylab 4 Crew Patch$100
82870mm Loop for Skylab 4$100
829FLOWN Shuttle Tile Fragments$175
830FLOWN Shuttle Discovery "Insulator"$450
831FLOWN Shuttle "Parachute Line Cutter"$100
832FLOWN Shuttle Protective "Cushion"$125
833FLOWN Shuttle Columbia Tile Fragments$75
834Shuttle "SPACEHAB Universal Communications System"$440
835Shuttle Program Blue Life Preserver$800
836Shuttle Program Circuit Board$80
837Shuttle Program Flight-Ready Hardware$80
838Shuttle Program Flight-Ready Hardware$65
839Shuttle Program White Coveralls$150
840Shuttle "Cargo Curtain"$90
841Shuttle "Cargo Curtain"$90
842Shuttle "Cargo Curtain"$90
843Shuttle "Cargo Blanket"$90
844Shuttle "Cargo Blanket"$80
845Shuttle "Cargo Blanket"$90
846Space Shuttle Tile Prototype$100
847Flown Shuttle Program "Parachute Line Cutter"$50
848Shuttle Program Main Fuel Tank, Lower Bellows$40
849Shuttle Program Flight-Ready Hardware$25
850Shuttle Program Metal Shim$35
851Shuttle Astronaut Autographs$750
852Album of Shuttle Astronaut Autographs$1500
853Hartfield/Fullerton/Bobko/Allen Shuttle Autographs$40
854Canada Shuttle Program Astronaut Autographs$70
855Bluford & Jemison Shuttle Program Autographs$70
856Shuttle Program Balance of Consignment$60
8581975, "Space Shuttle System Summary"$90
8591992, Shuttle Program "Space Station Freedom"$30
8605 Different Shuttle Program Publications$85
861Shuttle Program Access Badges, Patches, etc.$100
86210 Shuttle Program Media badges$80
863Spacelab 1 Commemorative Medallion$5
864Asst'd Shuttle Program Commemoratives$80
865Shuttle Program Insignia Negatives$20
866Shuttle Crew Photographs and Posters$60
867Shuttle Program Presentation Photographs$85
86816mm Space Shuttle Film$70
869Shuttle Program Collector Spoons$175
870Slayton, McMurtry, Scobee, Fulton, Ray, Young, etc$175
871Haise & Fullerton Shuttle Program Autographs$90
872FLOWN Shuttle ALT Medallion$80
873FLOWN Shuttle ALT Medallion$30
873AFLOWN Piece of STS 1 Tile$350
873BFLOWN STS 1 Manned Flight Awareness Medallion$70
874STS 1 Crippen & Young Autographs$250
875STS 1 Crippen & Young Autographs$200
876STS 1 Bob Crippin Autograph$15
877Original STS 1 Mission Tape Transcript$75
878STS 1 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$550
87916mm "Launch of STS-1"$90
880STS 2 Richard Truly Autograph$30
881STS 2 Joe Engle Autograph$15
882STS 2 Joe Engle Autograph$30
883STS 2 Joe Engle Autograph$15
884STS 2 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$350
885STS 2 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$350
88616mm "STS-2 Launch Story" Film$40
887STS 3 Lousma & Fullerton Autographs$50
888STS 3 Lousma & Fullerton Autographs$50
889STS 3 Gordon Fullerton Autograph$20
890STS 3 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$500
891STS 4 Mattingly & Hartsfield Autographs$50
892STS 4 Mattingly & Hartsfield Autographs$80
893STS 4 Ken Mattingly Autograph$70
894STS 4 Ken Mattingly Autograph$60
895STS 4 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$450
896FLOWN STS 5 Crew Patch$125
897Robert Overmyer's Tan STS 5 Flight Suit$425
898STS 5 "Flight Authorization" Card$60
899Brand, Overmyer, Allen & Lenoir STS 5 Autographs$50
900Beta Cloth STS 5 Crew Patch$225
901Beta Cloth STS 5 Crew Patch$200
902STS 5 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$475
903Overmyer's 1988 STS 5 "Aerobatic Competency"$30
904STS 5 Press Conference Movie Film$50
905Original STS 5 Color Photos$30
906STS 6 FLOWN Polystyrene Spheres$10
907STS 6 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$425
908STS -7 Crew Autographs$70
909Sally Ride STS 7 Autograph$40
910Sally Ride STS 7 Autograph$80
911Sally Ride STS 7 Autograph$40
912STS 7 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$500
913STS-8 Crew Autographs$30
914STS 8 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$500
915STS 9 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$600
916Bruce McCandless STS 41B Autograph$30
917Bob Stewart STS 41B Autograph$20
918STS 41B Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$550
919STS 41C FLOWN Park Seeds$30
920STS 41D Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$600
921STS 41G Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$750
922STS 51A Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$700
923STS-51C Crew Autographs$125
924STS 51C Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$1200
925Jake Garn STS 51D Autograph$30
926STS 51D Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$700
927STS-51D Crew Autographs$65
928STS 51B FLOWN "Ascent Checklist" Checklist$225
929STS 51B FLOWN Burn Monitor Checklist$110
930STS 51B FLOWN Ascent Procedures Checklist$100
931STS 51B FLOWN "OMS 1 Burn" Checklist$125
932STS 51B FLOWN Deorbit Burn Monitor Checklist$225
933STS 51B Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$750
934STS 51B Post-Flight Audio Tapes$80
935STS 51B Audio Cassettes Tapes$80
936STS 51G Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$650
937STS 51F Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$650
938STS 51I Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$750
939Dave Hilmers STS 51J Autographs$20
940William Pailes STS 51J Autograph$15
941STS 51J Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$800
942STS 61A Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$425
943Resnick/Scobee/Onizuka/McNair STS 51L Autographs$250
944Greg Jarvis STS 51L Autograph$150
9451986, STS 51L "... The Final Frontier"$60
9461987, Sally Ride STS 51L Autograph$40
9471986, STS 51L "Invstgtion of the Challenger Acc."$20
948STS 51L Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$3500
949Original STS 51L Mission Patch$125
950Hauck & Covey STS 26 Autographs$20
951STS 26 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$800
952Gardner, Ross & Shepherd STS 27 Autographs$20
953STS 27 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$750
954STS 29 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$700
9551989, STS 30 "Voyage to Venus"$30
956STS 34 FLOWN Crew Patch$90
957FLOWN STS 34 Crew Patch$150
958STS 36 Crew Autograpphs$40
959STS 36 Partial Crew Autographs$40
960STS 35 Partial Crew Signed Photo Montage$35
961STS 39 Crew Autographs$40
962STS 39 Crew Autographs$40
963STS 39 Crew Autographs$40
964STS 39 Crew Autographs$325
965"39 Training Team" STS 39 Autographed Photo$70
966Lacy (Veach) STS 39 Autographs$225
967Veach's STS 39 "Exceptional Service Medal"$500
968STS 40 Crew Autographs$50
969STS 40 Crew Autographs$30
970FLOWN STS 43 Crew Patch$175
971FLOWN STS 43 Crew Patch$200
972STS 48 Crew Autographs$40
973STS 46 Publicity Photos$35
974Mae Jemison STS 47 Autograph$80
975STS 52 FLOWN Hawaiian Stone-Age Adz$4000
976STS 52 Crew Autographs$100
977STS 52 NASA/JSC Publicity Crew Glossy Photos$250
978STS 52 NASA Publicity Crew Lithographs$250
979STS 52 Autographed Launch & Other Covers$250
980Susan Helms STS 54 Autograph$20
981STS 54 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$700
982STS 57 Crew Autographs$40
983STS 61C Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$500
984James Halsell STS 65 Autograph$20
985STS 68 FLOWN Express Mail Stamp$50
986STS 67 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$800
987Dunbar and Thagard STS 71 Autographs$175
988STS 73 FLOWN B. F. Goodrich Shuttle Tire$800
989Robert Thirsk STS 78 Autograph$20
990STS 79 FLOWN U.S. Flag$500
991STS 83 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$600
992STS 84 FLOWN Russian Flag$175
993STS 84 Porcelain Commemoratives$30
994STS 91 FLOWN U.S. Flag$300
995STS 91 FLOWN U.S. Flag$300
996Joe Engle STS 95 Autograph$30
997John Glenn STS 95 Autograph$50
998John Glenn STS 95 Autograph$50
999John Glenn STS 95 Autograph$40
1000STS 88 Crew Autographs$60
1001STS 108 FLOWN U.S. Silk Flag$325
1002STS 105 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$500
1003STS 109 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$600
1004STS 112 Autographs$90
1005STS 107 Sterling Silver Robbins Medallion$325
1006FLOWN DC X2 Launch Cover$250
1007FLOWN DC X2 Launch Cover$125
1008FLOWN DC X6 Flight Patch$60
1009FLOWN DC X8 Flight Patch$70
1010Lot of Three Different ISS Program Publications$40
10111978, ISS 1 "Multimission Modular Spacecraft"$15
10121986, ISS 1 "Benefits Space Station$10
10139 Photographs of ISS & Others$30
1014Mars Pathfinder Sojourner Rover Model$2500
1015Wernher von Braun Mars Manuscript Notes$350
1016von Braun Mars Manuscript Notes$550
1017Autographed Mars Pathfinder Commemoratives$30
10181968, "The Book of Mars"$50
1019Mars Rover by Hot Wheels$40
1020"The Northrop T-38 Talon" Aviation Art$30
1021"Into the Unknown" Aviation Art$100
1022(Undated) "The Final Moment" Aviation Art$50
10231981, Aviation Art "US Navy Makes the First$50
10241987, "Everything She's Got" Aviation Art$90
10251987, "Tiger with a Tale" Aviation Art$70
10261987, "Strategic Air Command Missiles" Artwork$60
10271989, "Lakebed Liftoff" Aviation Art$65
10281995, "Six Turnin' and Four Burnin'" Aviation Art$45
10291996, "First Re-entry" Aviation Art$150
10301996, Scott Crossfield Autograph$175
10311996,"Faster Than a Speeding Bullet" Aviation Art$90
10321997, "Launch of the A-2" Aviation Art$175
10332000, "AC-47 "Spooky Gunship" Aviation Art$335
10345 Aviation Art Limited Edition Lithographs$80
10351999, "Moon Rovers" by Alan Bean$550
10361988, "Apollo Soyuz"$150
10371969, Chesley Bonestell "Space" Print$200
10381985, "The Dream is Alive"$40
1039(Undated) "Gravity Assist"$110
10401985, "Astronauts with Jetpacks"$125
1041Original McCall Autographed Sketch$150
1042"Earthrise" Ltd Edition Ektaprint Photo$125
1043"Steeds of Apollo"$125
1044"Steeds of Apollo"$100
1045"Steeds of Apollo"$100
1046Original "Leonov" Sketch$375
10471981, "With Friends Like These"$35
1048Group 3 Astronaut Candidate Autographs$4500
104921 Autographed NASA Publicity Photos$1200
1050Autographed Presentation Photo$450
1051Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn & Schirra Autographs$125
1052Borman, Conrad, Lovell & McDivitt Autographs$60
1053Bean, Duke & Mitchell Autographs$125
1054Collins, Conrad & Haise Autographs$45
1055Carpenter/Conrad/Stafford/Bean/Gibson/Ride Atgphs$60
1056Bean/Carpenter/Conrad/Gibson/Ride & Stafford Atgp$90
1057Conrad & Lovell Autographs$60
1058Buzz Aldrin Autograph$70
1059Cunningham Autograph$30
1060Charlie Duke Autograph$50
1061Elliot See Autograph$375
1062Alan Shepard Autograph$70
1063Deke Slayton's Autographed Check$40
1064Deke Slayton's Autographed Check$40
1065Deke Slayton Autograph$600
1066Tom Stafford Autograph$35
1067Autopen Autographs$60
1068Bill Dana "Jose Jiminez" Autograph$25
1069Wernher von Braun Autograph$700
1070Wernher von Braun Autograph$225
1071Wernher von Braun Autograph$125
1072Konrad Dannenberg Autograph$175
1073Chuck Yeager Autograph$60
1074Korolev Autograph$400
1075Korolev Handwritten Note$300
1076Korolev Autograph$1000
1077Korolev Autograph$325
1078Gagarin Autograph$125
1079Valentin Gagarin & A. Gagarin Autographs$65
1080Nikolayev & Tereshkova Autographs$100
1081Crew-Signed Publicity Photos$300
1082Crew & Other Autographed Covers$175
1083Gagarin/Titov/Nikolayev/Popovich Agphs$250
1084Crew-Signed & Other Autographed Covers$175
1085Crew-Signed Publicity Photos$125
10864 Autographed "Space" Books$110
1087Space Explorers Autographed Covers$80
1088Assorted Autographs$125
1089Cosmonaut Autographed Wall Hanging$450
109031 Different Cosmonaut Autographs$125
109117 Different Cosmonaut Autographs$60
1092Leonov/Kubasov/Shatalov/Nikolayev/Yelisiyev autog$80
10931986, " To the Stars"$35
1094Glazkov Autograph$45
1095Oldrich Pelezak Autograph$75
1096"Cosmonaut Mail" Cover$190
1097Georgy Ivanov Autograph$60
1098Valentin Glushko Autograph$60
1099Titanic Survivor Millvina Dean Autograph$100
1100Titanic Survivor Millvina Dean Autograph$60
1101Red Adair Autograph$30
1102Nolan Ryan Autograph$70
1103FLOWN YB-49 Metal Fragment$150
1104FLOWN 1948 "Berlin Airlift" Cover$25
11051950's Flight Dead Reckoning Computer$30
11067 Flight Checklists$325
1107Dave Scott Autograph$90
1108"G" Suit Pants$65
1109Military Flight Ops Flight Suit$25
1110Aviation Commemorative Pocket Knife$40
1111Famous WW II Aviator Aces Autographs$175
1112WW II Fighter Aces & Other Autographs$20
11131998 Air Aces Symposium Autographed Poster$100
1114Dick Rutan & Jeana Yeager Autographs$40
11151999, "Comet-The World's First Jet Airliner"$30
1116Francis Gary Powers & Curt Gentry Atgrphs$60
1117John Mitchell & Rex Barber Autographs$90
1118Porter Adams Autograph$25
1119"Bill" Craigie Autograph on "The Beginning"$150
1120B.J. Hinds Autograph$50
1121Torrence Huffman Autograph$35
1122Mike Machat Autograph$30
1123Neva Paris Autograph$60
1124Captain Eddie Rickenbacker Autograph$50
1125Deke Slayton Autograph$90
11261887, "Moedebeck" Handwritten Letters$90
11271909, "The Conquest of the Air"$40
11281911, "Aero Club of America" Bulletin 14$50
11298 Edwards AFB Flight Test Logs & Reports$20
1130"Paris Airshow Debriefing"$20
1131Astronaut Stacy Veach Aviation Docs$110
11325 Aviation Books$20
113311 Jet Operating Manuals, Supplements, Etc.$50
1134"High Flight"$30
11351934, USS Macon Hand-Painted Cover$30
11361942, "Flying Fortress" Launch Cover$25
11371954, First Flight Cover$20
11381956//1959 Helicopter 1st Flight Covers$60
11391983, "Man's Conquest of the Heavens" Covers$60
1140Commemorative Pins$375
1141Aviation Tie Tacs and Insignia$175
114233 USAF Maps of the Western US$20
1143Wright Bros. 1st Military Contract Replica$20
1144Stacy Veach Aviation Memorabilia$100
1145Wooden USAF Aviator Wings$60
1146Wooden Bookends$30
1147Tibbets, van Kirk, Nelson & Jeppson Atgrphs$50
1148Tibbetts, van Kirk, Nelson & Jeppson Atgrphs$100
1149Homemade Enola Gay Album$90
1150"Little Boy" Atomic Bomb Model$300
1151"Why a Pilot Cannot Communicate" Poster$20
11521966, "Milestones of Flight" Lithos$70
11534 Pictures of Fighters$20
1154Charles Hubbell Calendars$50
1155Aircraft Pictures$40
11561932, German Cigarette Card Album$65
11571928, Spanish Dirigible Bond Certificate$25
11581932, German Cigarette Card Album$80
1159Carton of Flight Logs, Manuals & Literature$425
11603 Hank Gordon Light Flight Suits$550
1161Military Space Operations Uniform$80
1162Military Space Operations Uniform$90
11632 Air Force "Covers" (Hats)$50
1164Henry Gordon USAF Dress Blue Uniform$200
1165Henry Gordon USAF Flight Suits$450
1165AHenry Gordon Yearbook Collection$225
1165BDyna-Soar Artwork$375
1165CDyna-Soar Memorabilia$3000
1165DCertificates Awarded to Henry Gordon$200
1166Chuck Yeager Autographs$70
1167X-15 Pilot Autographs$80
1168Neil Armstrong Autograph$225
11692 Pete Knight Autographs$30
1170Chuck Yeager Autograph$150
1171"X-15 Man's Daring Flight into Space"$40
1173Rare Gus Grissom Photographs$175
117710 Lithos & Photos of Jets & Spacecraft$60
11781952, "Across the Space Frontier"$60
11791952, "Conquest of Space"$200
11801960, "Scientific Uses of Earth Satellites"$50
1181"�Space Flight and Guidance Theory"$35
11821965, "Space Horizons -$20
11831966, 2 of "An Administrative History of NASA"$10
11841968, "America In Space -$15
11851972, "Anthropometry of Air Force Women"$35
11861975, "Astronauts and Cosmonauts -$20
11871955 \\ 1985 Space Books$70
11881956 \\ 1964 Classic Space and Aviation Books$30
11891958 \\ 1972 7 Different "Space" Books$25
11901959 \\ 1977 HouseCommittee Reports$20
11911961 \\ 1979 Life Magazines$20
11921963 \\ 1972 Balance of Collection$80
11931969 \\ 1985 4 NASA Publications$60
11941969 \\ 1985 5 NASA Publications$15
1194A"America's Achievements in Space"$50
1195WWII Nazi Dress Dagger & Medallions$650
1196Lucas, Williams & Lindberg Autographs$90
1197Glen Lane Autographs$20
1198Gunther Rall Autograph$30
11991964, "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons"$30
1200Air Force Patches! Patches! Patches!$3250
1201Navy Astronaut Wings$125
1202U.S.A.F. Astronaut Wings$125
1203Treasure Trove of USAF Insignia$40
1204ROTC Insignia and Medals$15
1205USAF Plaque$20
1206Philosophy of War Plaque$20
1207National War College Coat of Arms$15
1208Portfolio of Eight Battle Paintings$30
120910 Coffee Cups$70
1210Experimental Mercury Prototype Model$90
1211Experimental Mercury Prototype Model$100
1212Experimental Mercury Prototype Model$125
1213Experimental Mercury Prototype Model$60
1214Mercury Spacecraft Model$1000
1215Gemini-Titan Launch Vehicle$1800
1216Gemini Command & Service Model$650
1217Gemini Capsule Spacecraft Model$750
1218Gemini Capsule Spacecraft Model$450
1219USAF 1/48 Scale Gemini Model$250
1220Apollo Lunar Module Model$1200
1221Apollo Lunar Lander Model$1200
1222"ATM" (Apollo Telescope Mount) Model$425
1223"ASSET" Spaceplane Model$400
1224M2F2 Lifting Body Contractor Model$700
1225Space Shuttle "Challenger" Model$60
1226Brass Shuttle Model$70
1227NASA "Space Station" Prototype Model$200
1228"Orbiting Geophysical Observatory" Model$375
1229Korean Satellite Model$60
1230"X-15" Model$500
12312 Sparrow Missile Models$80
1232NASA WB-57F Aircraft Model$60
1233B-17 "Memphis Bell" Aircraft Model$40
1234B-29, "Enola Gay" Aircraft Model$125
1235"Convair USAF TF-102A" Model$100
1236"F4H" Model$225
1237"F-5D Skylancer" Model$60
1238F-18 Hornet Fighter Model$60
1239"F-100 Super Sabre" Model$125
1240"F-86 Sabre Jet" Model$70
1241"F101B Tornado" Model$100
1242"F101B Tornado" Model$150
1243"F-102A USAF Interceptor" Model$100
1244"F104A Starfighter" Model$60
1245"USAF F-104A Starfighter" Model$60
1246"F-106B USAF Interceptor"$80
1247USAF Medical Plane Model$90
1248P-40 "Flying Tiger" Aircraft Model$100
1249P51-D, "Glamorous Glennis" Model$90
1250"Sabreliner T-39" Model$90
1251"Jet Star" Model$70
1252"Cessna A-37" Model Airplane$250
1253"MD-83" Aircraft Model$35
1254Lot of Five Model Kits$40
1255"Soyuz" Rocket Model$125
1256"Soyuz" Rocket Model$325
1257"Soyuz" Rocket Model$375
1258"Soyuz" Rocket Model$125
1259"Liquid-Rocket" Scale Model$50
1260"Proton" Rocket Model$150
1261"Sputnik" Presentation Model$90
1262"Sputnik" Model$70
1263"DRRS Remote Control" Instrument Panel$225
1264"Discrete Output Control" Instrument Panel$125
1265Deke Slayton Documents$125
1266NASA "Depth Gauge" Test Equipment$80
1267Jose Jimenez Original Scripts$60
1268Eisenhower First Day Issue$50
1269"America's 1st Decade of Space" Set$35
1270First Day Issue LBJ Stamp$25
1271Space Cooperation Commemoratives$30
1272NASA EAA & EEO Awards$60
1273NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal$50
1274NASA Exceptional Service Medal$25
1275Cigarette/Pocket Lighter Collection$110
1276Balance of USAF "Space" Photographs$425
1277NASA Publicity Lithographs$200
1278Balance of Collection$60
1279NASA Publicity Lithographs$275
1280NASA Publicity Lithographs$250
1281Presentation Photographs$70
1282NASA Publicity Lithographs$175
1283Official NASA Lithographs$70
1284"Kennedy Space Center, Florida" Banner$35
1285Lot of 3 Different Patches$1200
1286"Military Man in Space" USAF Slides$475
1287Balance of Collection$90
1288Lunar Meteorite Fragment$60
1289Tsiolkovsky Autograph$550
1290Tsiolkovsky Autograph$650
1291Tsiolkovsky Autograph$2100
1292Tsiolkovsky Autograph$1600
1293Tsiolkovsky Autograph$900
12941965, "K. E. Tsiolkovsky" Collection$225
12951958, "Out of Earth" by Tsiolkovsky$75
12961960, "The Road to the Stars" by Tsiolkovsky$50
12971965, "Works on Rocket Technology"$25
1298Guide Book for the Tsiolkovsky House-Museum$20
12991940, "Portraits of Famous People of Science"$40
13001940, "Tsiolkovsky" by V. Vorobyov$50
13011964, "Konstantin Tsiolkovsky -$20
1302Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Bust$50
1303Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Monument Statue$150
1304Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Statue$80
1305FLOWN Buran Tiles$325
1306Buran Tiles$125
1307Two Buran Tiles$225
1307ABuran Tile$30
1308Flight-Ready "Loaf of Bread"$50
131027 different Cosmonaut Autographs$125
13117 Russian Cosmonaut Autographs$135
1312Gagarin Autograph$90
1313Korolev and Brezhnev Autographs$200
13141935, "Interplanetary Voyager"$50
13151936, "The Flight to Space" by Max Valier$60
13161937, "Introduction to Cosmonautics"$80
13171946, "Life on Other Worlds"$55
13181947, "Technics of the Rocket Flight"$70
13191947, "Problem of Flight -$70
13201948, "Ways of Realization of Space Flights"$70
13211949, "About Main Questions of the History -$50
13221950, "Roads to the Stars" by M. Ivanovsky$50
13231952, "Diverting Astronomy" by Perelman$25
13241954, "Opening of the Universe"$75
13251956, "Life in the Universe"$60
13261956, "Flight to the Moon" Anthology$80
13271957, "From Artificial Sputniks -$50
13281957, "Frontier to Space" by Eric Burgess$35
13291958, "Voyager to Space" by M. Vasilyev$40
13301958, "Artificial Satellites" by A. Shternfeld$45
13311959, "Researches on Optical Procedures -$40
13321960, "Voyages to Faraway Worlds"$60
13331960, "Nuclear Rocket Propulsion"$50
13341960, "Guided Weapons" by Eric Burgess$25
13351960, "Jet Propelled Weapon"$35
13361961, "Rockets and Flights to Space"$30
13371966, "Soviet Space Program"$50
1338Russian Commemorative Badges$200
1339Russian Commemorative Badges$175
1340Commemorative Pins$300
1341Soviet Union Buran Cover$80
1342Space "Cigarette / Music" Box$80
1343Lithographed Multicolor Tin Containers$175
13441958, "Sputnik" Table Clock$100
1345"Sputnik" Table Clock$50
1346Lithographed Multicolor Tin Container$150
1347"Coal Miner's Lamp" Cigarette Table Lighter$25
13481967, Commemorative "Space" Spoons$80
1349Solar Battery$75
1350Traveling Chess Set$35
13511961, "Venesian" Fountain Pen Holder$75
13521959, "Moon Race" Fountain Pen Holder$60
1353"Sputnik Music Box"$80
1354"Rocket" Table Lamp$175
1355"Rocket" Table Lamp$175
1356"Rocket" Table Lamp$100
1357"Rocket" Table Lamp$60
1358"Rocket" Lamps$90
1359Sergey Korolev Statue$100
1360Presentation Award$65
1361Presentation Award$75
1362Presentation Award$75
1363Bronze Wall Hanging$175
1364Original "Pilot-Cosmonaut" Wings$70
1365"Order for Conquering Space"$60
1366Zakharenkov Original Awards and Medals$4250
1367The First Set of Soviet Space Medals$80
1368Presentation Award$100
1369Award Plaque$40
1370Presentation Award$200
1371Presentation Award$175
1372Presentation Award$65
1373Presentation Award$125
1374Presentation Award$75
1375Seven Important Documents$90
13761958, "Sputnik III" Poster$175
13771958, "The Road to the Stars" Poster$200
13781958, "Space Objects Built by Men" Poster$150
13791959, XXIst Communist Meeting Poster$225
13801961, "Heroic" Poster$250
13811962, Heroic Poster$350
13821964, "Moscow Space Museum" Poster$475
13831970, "Intercosmos Program" Poster$425
1384"Space" Harmonica$40
13851960's "Space Program" Glass Slides$90
1386Sputnik "Pulse" Tester$125
1387Publicity and Candid Photos$175
1388FLOWN Vostok I 30th Anniversary Medallion$50
1389Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$550
1390Vostok 1 Gagarin and Kamanin Autographs$500
1391Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$90
1392Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$150
1393Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$200
1394Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$175
1395Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$150
1396Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$250
1397Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$150
1398Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$150
1399Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$175
1400Vostok 1 Gagarin Autograph$100
1401Vostok 1 Gagarin & Korolev Autographs$425
1402Vostok 1 Gagarin & Komarov Autographs$175
1403Vostok 1 Gagarin & Korolev Autographs$400
1404Vostok 1 Gagarin and Khrushov Autographs$425
1405Vostok 1 Gagarin and Tereshkova Autographs$175
1406Vostok 1 Gagarin and Tereshkova Autographs$150
1407Vostok 1 Gagarin and Titov Autographs$225
1408Vostok 1 Gagarin and Titov Autographs$175
1409Vostok 1Gagarin, Korolev and Nikolayev Autographs$300
1410Vostok Gagarin, Tereshkova & Nikolayev Autographs$175
1411Vostok 1 Gagarin, Tereshkova & Bykovsky Autogrphs$150
1412Vostok Gagarin, Komoro, Belyayev & Leonov Autgrphs$300
1413Gagarin, Titov, Nikolayev & Popovich Autographs$225
1414Vostok 1 Russian Cosmonaut Autographs$200
1415Vostok 1 Russian Cosmonaut Autographs$250
1416Vostok 1 Russian Cosmonaut Autographs$600
1417Vostok 1 Russian Cosmonaut Autographs$550
1418Vostok 1 Russian Cosmonaut Autographs$450
14191961, Vostok 1 "The Morning of Space Era"$70
14201961, Vostok 1 "Pilot of the Star Ship"$70
1421"The First Star Regiment" Autograph Album$550
1422Vostok 1 "Gagarin" Lacquer Box$50
1423Gagarin Statue Vostok 1$150
1424Vostok 2 Titov Autograph$50
1425Vostok 3 Gagarin, Nikolayev & Popovich Autographs$150
1426Vostok 3 Nikolayev Autograph$35
1427Vostok 3 Nikolayev & Popovich Autographs$50
1428Vostok 3 Tereshkova Autograph$90
1429Vostok 3 Bykovsky & Tereshkova Autographs$25
1430Voskhod 1 Komarov, Feoktistov & Yegorov Autograph$150
1431Voskhod 1 Komarov, Yegorov & Feoktistov Autograph$175
1432Soyuz 15 FLOWN Postage Stamps$60
14331974 (?), "Lev Demin" Soyuz 4/5 Heroic Poster$125
1434Shatalov, Volynov, Yeliseyev & Khrunov Autogrphs$30
1435Soyuz 4/5 Shatalov Autograph$60
1436Soyuz 28 FLOWN Czech Republic Flag$100
1437Soyuz FLOWN CCCP Flag Patch, Insignia, Long Johns$150
1438Soyuz 31 Bykovsky & Jaehn Autographs$80
1439Soyuz 37 FLOWN Vietnam Flag$100
1440Soyuz 37 Romanenko & Tomayo-Mendez Autographs$70
1441Soyuz 37 Romanenko & Tomayo-Mendez Autographs$35
1442Soyuz 39 FLOWN Mongolian Flag$150
1443Soyuz T-5 FLOWN Flight Manual$600
1444Soyuz T-11 FLOWN Indian Flag$175
1445Soyuz TM-4 FLOWN Commemorative Space Envelope$30
1446Soyuz TM-5 Presentation Plaque$100
1447Soyuz TM-6 Presentation Plaque$125
1448Soyuz TM-7 Presentation Plaque$200
1449Soyuz TM-8 FLOWN Film Canisters$100
1450Soyuz TM-9 FLOWN Film Canister Backing Paper$40
1451Soyuz FLOWN Gagarin, Titov, Strekalov Autographs$275
1452Soyuz TM-11 FLOWN Soviet Flag$175
1453Soyuz TM-11 FLOWN Japanese Flag$125
1454Soyuz TM-11 FLOWN Japanese Flag$100
1455Soyuz TM-12 FLOWN Russian Flag$125
1456Soyuz TM-12 FLOWN British Flag$175
1457Soyuz TM-14 FLOWN Russian Flag$175
1458Soyuz TM-21 Norm Thagard Autograph$25
1459Soyuz TM-27 FLOWN "Calendar" Card$35
1460Soyuz TM-27 FLOWN French Flag$100

[ view results of session one ]

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